HOW TO SLEEP IN YOUR WIG | My Nightime Routine for Curly Hair Extensions
Are you getting ready to go to bed?
Do you know how to secure your wig for sleeping?
Now, I will show you tips.
1.When you get ready to go to sleep, you can pull your wig back into a ponytail.
You don’t need to put it in a bun so that you will do the most minimal work possible in the morning.

2.Tie down the perimeter of your install every single night using something like a scarf.
Make sure that it is pretty long able to wrap around your whole head.
Just crossing it like very lightly, overlapping it and bringing it back to the front. Then make a knot right here.

3.Then you could sleep like this. I do sleep on my side. And I recommend satin pillow over cotton because cotton absorbs moisture and if you're sleeping especially like just with hair, in general you don't want your pillow just taking all the moisture out your hair.
If you don't have a satin pillowcase, you might want to cover up your hair with a bonnet and you can pin the bonnet.
Now, you could go to bed and have a good night.
Do you know how to secure your wig for sleeping?
Now, I will show you tips.
1.When you get ready to go to sleep, you can pull your wig back into a ponytail.
You don’t need to put it in a bun so that you will do the most minimal work possible in the morning.

2.Tie down the perimeter of your install every single night using something like a scarf.
Make sure that it is pretty long able to wrap around your whole head.
Just crossing it like very lightly, overlapping it and bringing it back to the front. Then make a knot right here.

3.Then you could sleep like this. I do sleep on my side. And I recommend satin pillow over cotton because cotton absorbs moisture and if you're sleeping especially like just with hair, in general you don't want your pillow just taking all the moisture out your hair.
If you don't have a satin pillowcase, you might want to cover up your hair with a bonnet and you can pin the bonnet.
Now, you could go to bed and have a good night.