Comparison between headband wigs and lace wigs
By now, you’ve probably seen and heard of the new rave in get-up-ad-go styles- headband wigs. Headband wigs are slowly but surely taking over the wig game for so many reasons, and I can't get enough of them! Don’t get me wrong- there’s nothing like a melted lace wig (we will always stan). But what makes headband wigs the best thing since sliced bread, you ask? Let's break it down.
What are headband wigs, anyway?
Headband wigs are glueless, lace free wigs with an elastic headband already attached to the wig cap. They’re typically applied at the hair line, with the headband's velcro connected at the nape in the back of the head. Sometimes there are combs or extra bands inside the cap to provide extra security, and headband options are included with your wig (total win!). Headband wigs, like any wig, can come in a variety of color, textures, and can be styled in multiple ways. It's the perfect solution for working out, running errands, or just a quick way to switch up your style.

What’s the difference between headband wigs and lace wigs?
Although headband wigs are quick and easy, both headband and lace wigs have their advantages and Kayne shrugs. When choosing the right wig for you, it all depends on a few deciding factors:
Install Time
The amount of time you’re willing to invest installing and styling your wig plays a significant role in which wig you choose to wear. A headband wig can take 5 min or less to install with little to no product, which could be great for a first time wig user. However, a lace wig could take up to 10-20 minutes to install flawlessly (depending on your method). For me, I’m a mother of a 5 year old who’s learning virtually at home, so I typically spend more time on my make up than my hair (hence my love for wigs). Don’t get me wrong, my hair is just about everything and whether it’s curly, kinky or straight, I want it styled. Something quick and easy, without glue is just more up my alley. But, even quick and easy things have a price when it comes to long term wear.

The headband wig may have install time light years ahead of a lace wig, but how long you can wear each wig may differ. With the way headband wigs are structured inside, they don’t typically provide the long term, overnight, day after day wear lace wigs have. Sure, you can tie it down, sleep carefully and rock it in the morning. You can even sew it on if you’d like. But the wig cap itself and perimeter band isn’t as sturdy as a lace wig’s, bringing its purpose to more of a easy on easy off kind of thing. Lace wigs, once glue and installed, can last several weeks with the proper products and maintenance.
Daily Activities
Honestly, I never really considered how my daily routine plays into wig longevity until I got a lace front wig installed for the first time (with glue). I was headed to a corporate conference and wanted to try something new. What I didn’t remember was that I work out every day (and no wig was worth keeping those love handles). Within a few days, due to the sweat, I was already back in my stylist’s chair for a wash and reinstall. Since then, I knew glue less was the best option for me. Although lace wigs don’t always have to be glued on, for active people, headband wigs provide a quick comfort option that allows your hairline to breath free.
Styling Options
Now here’s where we get to the nitty gritty of headband wig vs. lace wig. Either wig can be made of any type of hair (human hair, synthetic, a mix of both, etc), so thermal styles, flex rods,etc. are good to go with either choice. However, when it comes to rocking styles with a a bang, ponytails, top not buns, headband wigs can have limited options to deliver. With a structure that’s slightly less sturdy, headband wigs could shift more easily while trying new styles. They also have no hairline hair to play with, which could present a problem if you’re looking for coverage. For those with a more thin hairline or looking to cover the forehead head, lace wigs could provide more variety to easily counterbalance.
Despite your wig of choice, there’s no denying headband wigs serve a purpose and deserve a special space in all of our hair closets. If you’re still feeing stuck, check out reviews on YouTube on both headband and lace wigs and take your pick But you have to admit, a quick slay in 5 minutes is pretty hard to top!