How to take care of a human hair wig?
1.Always keep it clean: My shiny wigs is made from 100% human hair thus, it’s vital it is treated like human hair. When styling a wig, we tend to use a lot of products and heat, it is important to make washing your wig a habit to keep it looking good and smelling fresh. Make sure that you wash the wig at least once a week with a hair strengthening or revitalizing shampoo. This helps to keep the hair looking and smelling fresh. Moisturizing is also very important for the wig, that can be done after every wash to keep it from freezing and to avoid having split ends from forming. There several hair oils that can be used for wigs like hair silicone.
2.Styling: It is a wonderful idea to have a manikin head to use when styling your wig. However even if you don’t have one it’s okay. One thing that is important is that you should have the right brushes and combs for the type of hair that you are using. It’s essential to have a blow dryer, hair straightener, and other hair tools while styling your hair. The right tools help you achieve the perfect results. Always take your time with this.
3.Cutting off the lace front: The lace front can be very tricky to cut off and a bad cut can ruin your wig or make it look less natural. Make sure that you do this while its on your head. A simpler was to do it is to place the wig with the lace uncut on your head. Then use a brown pencil liner to draw the line on where you want to cut then cut it while its off your head. Never cut it straight but rather cut it in a zig zag pattern.
4.Making the wig look as natural as possible: You can lightly use you foundation on the form of the wig to give it the exact shade as your skin to help it look more natural. You don’t always have to make baby hairs for you wigs. However, if you are into the baby hair look, make sure that when trimming the front hairs of the wigs you do not overdo it. It is normally better if the baby hair is minimal, it looks more natural.